Monday, December 1, 2008

Advent Bags

I am trying something new this year. Once again, this is not an original idea, but I'm kind of throwing it together at the last minute, or hour. I guess it is December 1st, but I don't think the kids will mind if I'm a bit behind the 8 ball on this one.
The purpose of the advent bags is two fold. 1. To give us time to focus on others and Jesus' birth during the month. 2. A fun family activity.
I still need to get some bags to organize all the goodies and just did some ordering tonight, so those things will be put later in the month. We may have to do two bags some days depending on our schedule, and how creative I am. Here is what I have so far for activities and treats to include in the bags-

1. Make truffles. DD3 saw a recipe (picture) of some last week and has been begging to make them ever since!
2. Make sugar cookies. We do this every's a mess, but it's a tradition. And thanks to Molly we have an awesome recipe! (I'll try to post it soon)
3. Make Christmas ornaments and deliver to the nearby care center.
4. Read Christmas books.
5. New ornaments dated 2008 for them to put their picture in and hang on the tree.
6. Christmas suckers!
7. Walk to see the neighborhood lights.
8. Kids pick supper (I'll have to be careful when I put this one in the schedule)
9. Jingle bell bracelets
10. Christmas songs on the piano by dd1 and dd2 and sing along.
11. Christmas coloring page
12. Nativity Challenge activity page
13. Read the Christmas Story.
14. Share at a salvation army kettle.
15. Nativity sticker pages.

I plan to put together decorated brown paper bags with directions/ingredients or supplies for each day. I'm hopeful that this can be a fun and meaningful experience for all of us.

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