Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's apple picking day!

It's apple picking day, it's apple picking day. We'll pick an apple from the tree and eat it right away! (from the Dinofours book- Apple picking day. Check out the series. They are really cute books.) Today dd3, ds, Susan and I went to pick apples at a farm up the road. There were 6 or 7 trees with the branches touching the ground from all the weight on them. I guess the trees are trying to make up for leaving us "sans applesauce" last year! It was such a beautiful day weather wise with temps around 75, sunshine and a nice breeze. Ahhhhhhh, nearly perfect in my book. DS was in need of a nap but hung out in his stroller munching away on a freshly "jean shined" apple. Seriously, he chewed on that baby for 1/2 an hour!! DD3 was in heaven. She reminded us to "twist the apples until they come off, don't just pull or you can hurt the trees" (once again, from the book). DD3 really got the hang of the apple picker and loved getting the high apples with no holes! We did a lot of pulling and filled bags and laundry baskets. Susan is my inspiration for food preservation as she's making pies and sauce to add to her bounty of other canned and frozen goods from her garden. I hope to make sauce and if there is enough, some sliced apples too (for crisp in the middle of the winter). (No pictures from this adventure. I did take some on my phone, but can't quite figure out how to get them to the computer.)

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