Tuesday, September 23, 2008

oh the Lord is Good to Me....

And so I thank the Lord, for giving me, the things I need, the sun and the rain and the appleseed.... (From the Johnny Appleseed song, DD3's favorite prayer) We have plenty to thank HIM for, and plenty of appleseeds now that we've went apple picking for the 2nd time in a week. I'm not quite sure why I went again when the first picking was still untouched, except for being brought in the house, then back to the garage when I decided I was just too tired to even think about applesauce much less make it! The oldest girls got out of school early and got to go with us this time (along with their friends) and DD3 was an old pro at the apple picker. DS enjoyed his apple enough to keep him in the stroller. The group photo kind of sums it all up....

So many apples, so little time.

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