Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bye Bye Betsy

Yep, we name lots of things around here. Even trucks. Paperman has owned "Betsy" (a 1987 ford f150) since 1988. That's half of his life. It was the first vehicle he purchased. It was what he was driving when we met. Betsy had served him well. Her speedometer was broken, wipers didn't work consistantly and she was rusty, but she still ran well. Until a year ago Paperman drove her back and forth to work on a regular basis to save miles on the "good" truck. After I did some wheelin and dealin' (mostly dealin' as we sold her for 1/2 of our starting price) she went to a teenage boy who does a lot of 'coon hunting. Perfect. The girls yelled "Bye Betsy" as they drove away. The best part of it all (besides the extra parking spot!) was when Paperman walked up to me and said "Here's your money." Gotta love him. My money. Is that grocery money for the next 3 weeks? Is that pedicure and shopping money? More than likely it will go into the general fund (as everything does). But I do hope for it to be Christmas money as we dislike greatly writing the check in January to pay the piper for November and December! That got me thinking, what can we sell next October??


Anonymous said...

We'll miss you Betsy. Don't forget the "I'm not fat, I'm fluffy" bumpersticker.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I suppose this may mean that ol' Lola the Corolla is not far behind? THough we love her gas mileage, I will not miss her oil spots and rust particles in the driveway!