Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wii are ready to play!

Since last Christmas the girls have been asking for a Wii. They've seen it on tv, played it at their cousins house and heard about ALL THEIR FRIENDS having them at school. We found this to be the perfect chance for a lesson in "save for what you want". They jumped right in for the challenge. Birthday gift cards, tooth fairy money, garage sale proceeds, unexpected dollars from all went in the pot. They did a great job and saved over $200. We kicked in the remainder and an extra wiimote. I offered supper to my 15 year old nephew if he would come set it up. What a lifesaver as I didn't have to try to figure it out and ruin the fun with my impatience and limited electronic knowledge! Thanks Curtis! The timing is perfect with the cooler weather on its way and my wish for a Wii Fit for Christmas. ;) Everyone had a turn tonight and from the initial reviews- we all had fun.


The Gacnik Family said...

That is so cool. Great lesson. You should write a book on how to be parents and instill values in your childrens' lives. It seems too often now requests for toys/etc are met by okay to pipe them down. Nice lesson though.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should be able to "write a book" until your children are grown and proving their values!!! :) Then you can. If they don't stick, then you can't write the book.